Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tivo and evils of our time...

So it just occurred to me that Tivo (and other DVRs, I dont' discriminate) aren't what they appear to be. Not at all. They're supposed to be these great convenience devices. They're supposed to make entertainment fit *my* busy schedule. In fact, most of them offer this great service at a premium, some kind of subscription charge for the flexibility in entertainment that we all crave. But here's the kicker - I've got a busy schedule. We all do, don't we? Between work and chores and social engagements, we really don't have a lot of downtime. There's a reason we don't watch The Good Wife or Lost or American Idol during its scheduled slot. It's because we've got other priorities. So we let Tivo record all the shows that we can't watch. And then those shows sit in our Now Playing list. And we'd better watch them, if we don't then what's the point of having the Tivo at all? Why are we paying for it if we're not going to use it? So this leads us to the Catch-22 where we need more time to watch all of our recorded programs and we need to record more programs because we don't have time to watch them in the first place. Break the cycle. Shoot your Tivo!